Good Potential here
Couple of things to note:
The bullets you fire are very hard to see, I would suggest making them more visible somehow.
The tutorial text goes by so slowly the game quickly loses my interest and there is no way to skip past them once you have gotten the hang of what it is suggesting.
The map is hard to read, and you are quickly overwhelmed with a sense of confusion of where to go.
The enemies blend into the background and are hard to tell apart from even the sand. Maybe add an in-range target highlighting around them?
Missiles should be able to be fired at any time maybe even with a targeting reticule , not just when theres an enemy nearby (gamers tend to like randomly firing off explosives and blowing up nothing and the alternative is very frustrating when you cant fire one)
The Heli flies very smoothly and responds to commands very well, but the turning radius could be tightened up to feel more like you have control over the craft and more skill would be involved in steering it exactly where you need it to be.
Everything else is fine